Tagged: Guimont

Children’s Mass: All Saints

Prelude:  All Saints Entrance Antiphon (Rice)

Entrance Hymn: All Night, All Day
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 34 Taste and See the goodness of the Lord  (Guimont – Singing Our Faith)
Gospel Acclamation:  Alleluia from Mass for John Carroll
Prayers of the Faithful:  O God, Hear Us, Hear Our Prayer
Presentation of the Gifts: Christ Is the King (GELOBT SEI GOTT)
Eucharistic Acclamations and Lamb of God: Mass of Joy and Peace (Manolo)
Communion: Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All (SWEET SACRAMENT)
Closing Hymn: Go Now In Peace (Sleeth)

Music Class Liturgy Prep

The third grade “hosted” this celebration of All Saints.  Their classroom teacher assigned them a saint, whom they depicted in costume on the day of mass.  We practiced the Entrance Antiphon during their music class.  The 6th grade choir sang the verses from the cantor stand, while the 3rd grade class stood in two rows on the steps to the altar to sing the antiphon refrain.

Two third grade students did an excellent job singing the psalm and gospel acclamation.  We worked on singing the chant verses as if you are telling someone a good story, with pauses and punctuation. They also got over the “loud does not equal good” hump. I can’t wait for them to cantor the psalm again!

Christ Is the King (GELOBT SEI GOTT) has a very teachable rhythmic scheme that alternates between “long short long” and “short long long.”  I used “human” quarter notes and half notes to highlight the rhythm.  Verses 2,3,&4 are centered on the holy men and women.

Children’s Mass: Blessing of the Pets – Our Lady of the Rosary

Before Mass, a simple liturgy for the Blessing of the Pets was held on the steps of the Cathedral.  With temps in the low 40’s, many pets were blessed including a bearded dragon, a snapping turtle, a rabbit, and several cats and dogs, among others.

Entrance Hymn: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (GROSSER GOTT)
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 34 Taste and See the goodness of the Lord Vs. 1, 2, 3 (Guimont)
Gospel Acclamation:  Alleluia from Mass for John Carroll
Prayers of the Faithful:  O God, Hear Us, Hear Our Prayer (??? our old xerox of this response looks like GIA, but i don’t know what book)
Presentation of the Gifts: Canticle of the Sun (Haugen)
Eucharistic Acclamations and Lamb of God: Mass of Joy and Peace (Manolo)
Communion: Life Giving Bread, Saving Cup (Chepponis)
Closing Hymn: Go Now In Peace (Sleeth)

Music Class Liturgy Prep:

Psalm 34 – Guimont

The Guimont and Gelineau tones provide great staff reading and ear training opportunities for new and younger choristers.  I used solfege to teach the tones for the verses, then we added words to the tone.  After teaching it to all seven of my eager 6th grade singers, I asked one to volunteer to sing the psalm with me (on the job training!) at Mass.  She did a great job!  Hopefully, other future psalm cantors will come out of the woodwork after seeing her example.

Go Now In Peace by Natalie Sleeth