Tagged: so-la-so-mi

Music Class: October 5 – 9, 2015


Keeping the Beat: Concerto No. 10 in C Major: Allegro by Arcangelo Corelli (love his name!) (K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th)

Beat motions are big this week! I have owned this under-utilized CD for years.  This year, I am going to be more faithful to it.  We “moved” to the Corelli on Monday, and when I started playing it on Friday, the students recognized it immediately and started grooving.

King’s Land (K & 1st)

This “so-la-so-mi” singing game with final “do” is thrilling for Kindergarten, 1st grade, toddlers, and Pre-K types.  I change “Boston” to London and instead of tagging, encourage all the beat keeping/dancing students to music-room run back to their benches when the alert sounds that the king is approaching (me furtively ringing a tone chime).  This game will serve as a segue to a “movement for form and expression” activity next week featuring the King, Queen, Prince, Princess, and a Hungarian Dance, by Brahms.

See the Autumn Leaves (K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th)

OForTunaOrff.Blogspot is quickly becoming one of my go-to inspiration resources.  This little fall ditty was a seasonal opportunity to discover rest (silent beats), aurally decode for ta and titi, play instruments on an assigned rhythmic phrase, distinguish between beat and rhythm, and more!